Digital resources: for long distance and continued support

Rumbo a la independencia (libertad) financiera

Our best-selling complete paid course.
- 12 weeks, at your own pace. A self-discovery and "personal software upgrade" journey.
- Digital videos and short eBooks; all short, digestible bits.
- Packed full of info, tactics, exercises and hacks.
- 10:1 value to price ratio, infoproduct format.

¿Cometes estos 4 errores con el dinero? (Do you make these 4 mistakes with money?)

A quiz for self-discovery.
Our top downloaded and rated free digital product.

A minor product of curation

We compiled some classic books now on the public domain that deal with ancient teachings about social and personal impact on them. "Los secretos de los grandes capitalistas" turned out to be one of our top-downloaded paid digital products.

Automatized sales (or mostly so)

We love teaching. We are in service. And so, we publish tips and do "soft teaching" on social media. Then people visit this sales letter and a percentage of them take the next step: